Sparkle Well Online Courses

Dive into a rich array of effective, evidence based, wellbeing hacks and practical tools to support you to gain control over your health.

Choose from Sparkle Well Cleanse 21 days, Sparkle Cleanse Comprehensive and Sparkle Well Nourish to find the tools you need to effectively shift your health trajectory.

Focused on self love and nourishment, Sparkle Well Nourish is an insightful nutrition course that leads to both fat loss and health gain!

Learn more about Sparkle Well Nourish Course

Sparkle Well Attune Course for women transitioning midlife is under development.

Get in touch for information and launch of Sparkle Well Attune Course

Experience how positive, easy, healthy actions can make you feel SO much better – in your own space, and your own pace.

D.I.Y. Online Wellness Courses

If you are struggling with weight management, energy levels or are just generally feeling blah, we have created programs of evidenced wellbeing advice that will lead you, step by step, to your path of optimal wellness.

Sparkle Well Courses are insightful, inspiring, individualised, fresh & fun. Drawing upon a vast body of evidence, the courses provide easy, effective steps to incorporate daily changes to improve health and longevity, one by one, at your own pace, in your own space.

Wellness is a process… at each step you choose your trajectory…
enjoy your journey to your optimal wellbeing!