Good health and wellbeing is the cornerstone.

Inspiring engagement, encouraging, experiential & collaborative learning.

Motivate & empower your group. Support and build capacity to adapt positive actions.

Your team will develop skills and experience solutions that perpetuate health:

  • through individual self care,
  • enhanced group connectivity,
  • to impact the environment in a regenerative way

Whether it’s tapping one’s inner tranquility, squelching sauerkraut, tasting activated foods (and knowing why!), interacting using positive psychology, or eating food to boost mood, group workshops will lead your team to share knowledge, tips and insights, and empower them to learn and adapt positively to change.

workplace environment that enables innovation, team work and builds enthusiasm.

Workshops are fun and hands-on. Sessions can be run in-house at your business or organisation.

Experienced facilitator and health educator Sally Mathrick has been delivering tailored, workplace wellness sessions since 2006.