Retreat The World Guided Relaxation audio


RETREAT THE WORLD provides you with tools to cultivate ongoing relaxation and balance. This relaxation session helps you access the space to regain your innate poise and vitality and can be experienced day or night.

MP3 download – 20 minutes


Sound Medicine Relaxation Recordings were first created when a family member was diagnosed with a rare, aggressive cancer. The chemotherapy caused constant vomiting and immense weight loss. My yoga teacher suggested recording some yoga nidra relaxation tapes to help manage the stress and shock associated with the treatment, the cancer and the nausea. These relaxation tapes were more effective than anti nausea medications in reducing vomiting!

Indeed, they were fundamental in eventual cure too, because they provided space to access the true determination to live and innate healing power.

We made a series of 8 tapes throughout the chemotherapy treatment and subsequent Traditional Chinese Medicine treatment, under Dr Chen.

A few years later another family member underwent surgery and chemotherapy for cancer. Again the tapes were used daily to assist in relaxation and cure. Fortunately, in both family members the cancer is totally cured and resolved.


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